
Acropora – bottlebrush species

2 Mariana Islands species | 6 Indo-Pacific species

Mariana Islands species are displayed by default. Click on the location tags below to view species from the broader Indo-Pacific region (including the Marianas) or from the Western Atlantic/Caribbean/Gulf of Mexico. Click on the “additional images” tag to view images of additional examples of some of the taxa. Click on the “All” tag to display all available images, including the pre-selected and additional images for all regions. The location of images obtained outside of Guam’s waters is presented in parentheses after the species name; images lacking location information were obtained in Guam’s waters.

Note: While Acropora cf. florida and A. longicyathus were reported from the Mariana Islands by Randall (2003), the colonies above were photographed in Palau and Wallis, respectively. I have not yet seen either of these species in Guam’s waters, despite visiting locations previously known to host them. Additionally, note that while the Acropora cf. florida reported from Guam by Randall (2003) and Randall & Myers (1983) is similar to the Acropora cf. florida 2 from Palau depicted in the images above, it’s possible that these may be different species, or one or both are forms of A. florida.