0 Mariana Islands species out of 45 reported
I have not yet photographed any ostracod species in the Mariana Islands. Ostracod species reported from the Mariana Islands in Paulay et al. (2003) include:
- Bairdoppilata cratericola
- Bishopina timorensis
- Bosasella cf. macroloba
- Bythocypris aff. prolata
- Callistocythere arcuata
- Callistocythere cf. keijii
- Caudites exmouthensis
- Cletocythereis rastromarginata
- Cytherelloida sp. B
- Cytherelloida sp. E
- Hemicythere sp. B
- Hemicytherura sp. 1
- Hermanites deltoidea
- Hermanites transoceanica
- Keijia foveata
- Loxoconcha heronislandensis
- Loxoconcha huahineensis
- Loxoconcha sp. 1
- Loxoconcha turnerae
- Loxoconchella anomala
- Loxoconchella cf. malaysiana
- Morkhovenia inconspicua
- Mydinobairdia schyroconcha
- Neonesidea cf. arenigera
- Neonesidea lentifila
- Neonesidea schulzi
- Ornatoleberis sp. 1
- Paracytheridea cf. dissecta
- Paracytheridea tschoppi
- Paranesidea cf. algicola
- Paranesidea sp. A
- Paranesidea spongicola
- Ponticocytheres ichthyoderma
- Propontocypris sp. A
- Propontocypris sp. B
- Pterobairdia maddocksae
- Radimella sp. A
- Renaudcypris? natans
- Saipanetta cloudi
- Semicytherura cf. cryptifera
- Tanella cf. gracilis
- Triebelina bradyi
- Triebelina sertata
- Triebelina sp. 1
- Xestoleberis spp.