
sea hares (Aplysiidae)

13 Mariana Islands species out of 10 reported | 14 Indo-Pacific species

Mariana Islands species are displayed by default. Click on the tags below to view additional species.

*Aplysia argus, Bursatella cf. ocelligera, Petalifera cf. edmundsi, Petalifera ramosa, Phycophila euchlora, and Syphonota geographica appear to represent new records for the Mariana Islands, but the Petalifera species may have been reported as an undescribed Petalifera species in Carlson and Hoff (2003)

Additional Aplysiidae species reported from the Mariana Islands by Carlson and Hoff (2003):

  • Aplysia rufa
  • Petalifera petalifera (possibly P. lafonti)
  • Petalifera sp. 1, lab tank
  • Petalifera sp. 2, on Fucales